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Springing Back to Life

The winds are howling up to 55 mph this morning, and it is only 7°(F) - BUT the first day of Spring is still only 2 weeks away (March 20th)!

A lot of change is about to take place as the snow begins to melt, and the grass pokes through, and the smell of manure from the compost pile becomes.... evident.

I have been springing some new life as well, with our baby boy now on the way. I took a little break from writing so I could A. Sleep - first trimester exhaustion was real and B. Focus on this life change. We are overjoyed, but it has also been met with many nerves given our history. We are coping, and excited to have a new set of hands here on the farm.

^when we got the news it was a BOY!

Spring is a busy time of year on the ranch - from maple tapping for syrup, to spring chicks, shearing sheep, and planting gardens, we have a lot on the line up (not including projects outside of farm life).

We are really looking forward to our first yeild from our small flock of Icelandic Sheep. We plan to get some lessons from local fiber mill, Underhill Fibers in Gorham, ME and have our roving spun into yarn. More to come on how this all goes! I need to keep practicing crochet/knitting to make good use out of the skiens.

Also at the end of the month, our shared Sugar Shack will be ready to go, with 2021 maple sap to boil into syrup.

Things will really get hopping once the ground is visible so we can build my long awaited vegetable garden, and get back out on the horses without fear of the ever prevalent ice causing slips, trips, and falls.

Wintering horses has been both dreaded with the cold, but joyful as it pushes us to get outside and get fresh air each day. The barn has definitely made it possible. Building a bond with these animals has been an experience of a lifetime, and we are happy to continue sharing the passion with our family. Though, I am certain the Homestead Husband is looking forward to watering being a simpler task with the coming warmer weather.

More news on finishing the barn and expansion of horse facilities to come! And maybe, just maybe, goslings if the geese cooperate!


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